Selasa, 19 Juni 2012

Beautiful of Al-hambra

Cantiknya Al-hambra peninggalan zaman kegemilangan islam ni...
The photo you see a No. 11 gate where the last king fled Nazarita Boabdil.Un hug.
Boabdil, the last king NAZARITA

Study the biography and note carefully the main passages in the life of the last Muslim king of Granada, known among historians as Zogoibi or "unhappy" in his translation into Spanish, is looking onto one of the most convulsive moment in history kingdom of Granada. A time immersed in bloody civil wars, in which the various sides will vie for the throne of the last bastion of Islam in the peninsula, the kingdom's most beautiful and resplendent cult that existed on the skin of a bull. "

Son of King Abul Hassan Muley-do and the Sultana Aixa Horra-to-the honest, his real name was Muhammad or Abu Abdallah Abd Abdillah, which made the Christians Hispanicization Boabdil call. Castilian chronicles gave this monarch called King Boy, by some, having been declared too young, and others, to distinguish it from his uncle, named after him, Abdallah. Aixa rivalries and Soraya, one of the favorites of Abul Hassan, whose Christian name was Isabel de Solís, or burned in Granada encouraged the fierce struggle between the two sides, and Zegríes Abencerrajes, which took very active part Boabdil the male of the latter, who claimed to Aixa Sultana, which sought to bind the crown in the temples of his son, taking advantage of the setbacks suffered by Abul Hassan, to concoct conspiracies against him, who, after a popular uproar that occurred on this occasion, he locked in a tower of the Alhambra to the Sultana Aixa and her son Boabdil. It was not long a prisoner, as the maids of his mother down the tower through their veils, and Abencerrajes, who were waiting with horses in the slope of the ravine, from the time it's called Boy King, accompanied him first to the high Albayzín Guadix and then redo the block of his supporters, getting a few days after rioting in the city and causing bloody revolt that ended with the proclamation of Boabdil as Sultan of Granada. The fierce fighting that took place in the streets were arrested just before the news of the siege of Loja by Christians, who came to fight Abul Hassan after Boabdil covenant that each of them retain their respective positions and claims. The pact was violated by Boabdil influenced by his mother, who in the absence of his father, seized the Alhambra and the real authority.

Meanwhile invaded the territory of Malaga by the Christians, came to meet him Abul Hassan, accompanied by his brother Abdallah the Zagal, Venegas and the flower of his knights, completely defeating the Christian armies in the region of Axarquia. Boabdil jealous of the successes of the Zagal decidióse to emulate, it also urged by his mother, and in front of 1,500 soldiers, horses and 7,000 infants, as reflected in early chronicles began besieging the city of Lucena. But the besieged resisted and after reinforced with relief that could bring the Count of Cabra, broke the siege imposed on the town totally defeating and destroying the army commanded by Boabdil, who was taken prisoner. Meanwhile his father, Muley Abul Hassan-Do, again regained the throne of Granada, refusing to recognize and Aixa sending Cordova, where he had been transferred Boabdil, a solemn embassy to try to rescue her. Aceptáronla the Catholic Monarchs-seeking, as some argue, to encourage internal internecine strife in the kingdom of Granada, with the following conditions: "Boabdil promised to be faithful vassal of the kings of Spain, paying an annual tax of 12,000 doubles gold to release 300 captive Christians, for their land give way to the troops that were going to war against his father and his uncle Abul Hassan and the Zagal filed immediately in court as soon as called by the Kings of Castile. "

Moreover, they were laid by both sides for a truce of two years, and Boabdil took hostage up to the agreement, the person of his own son and his principal captains. Boabdil returned to Granada, on whose border it looked certain of its partial Aixa sent by producing its presence in the city because the expected result, proclaimed king by Abencerrajes, opposed this, Zegríes until, after two days of fierce fighting, the intervention of the principal chiefs meant that, as a compromise, Boabdil going to be accepted as king in Almeria with his supporters. This helped the Catholic Kings to go further the conquest of the kingdom of Granada, while, after his humiliating treaty with the King Catholic, Boabdil lost all its former prestige, with the intrigues and lavish her mother managed to preserve its adherents rather than flatter the people, as the rest of their compatriots is despised and rejected by the king's vassal Christian.

Old and blind Abul Hassan and removed to the fortress of Mondújar, abdicated in favor of his brother, the Zagal, dying soon afterwards. The abdication brought new and bitter clashes between the supporters of either suitor. Widespread unrest throughout the kingdom, the Zagal, acogióse under the Catholic Kings, who provided troops to regain the lost territories, especially in Almeria, bringing the warlord Abencerrajes again Granada, where fighting between the two sides lasted fifty days until, finally, it was agreed on division of the kingdom between the respective leaders, agreeing to both reside in Granada in the Alhambra, the Zagal, and the palace Albaycin, Boabdil, the Chico.

In the spring of 1486 continued the campaign against the kingdom of Granada the Catholic Monarchs, alerting D. Fernando Boabdil to which the dealings he had had with Zagal should be considered as a confederacy against Castile, which stopped the friendship that had mediated between them. Then the site became a Christian army to the city of Loja, belonging to Boabdil, who came to defend, being wounded in a battle fought in view of the square in which, due, had to take refuge with her in the palace of emir the village until it was seized by the assault May 26. In capitulations for the surrender Boabdil agreed to abdicate the throne and take the title of Duke or Marquis of Guadix, with manor of this town if it was won by six months or else lose the greatness of Castile and of constant war his uncle, Zagal. It was the news that he was the last of the covenants agreed to by him, she raised his hatred for his nephew, who sent emissaries to order poison. Discovered by these murderous intentions Boabdil, the emissaries sent by his uncle from the time promising a war without quarter, saying that its not aplacaría revenge "to see his head stuck in one of the gates of the Alhambra." Since then he went days without occurring in the streets and in the Vega of Granada bloody clashes between supporters of both sides, until news of the fence put up by Christian Velez Malaga scared to Granada, who stopped discord marching Zagal the relief of the square. Up and knowing his way back to Granada, which during his absence and once again supported by the rabble, Boabdil had taken over the Alhambra and other strengths of the town proclaiming one emir, the retiróse Zagal to Guadix, which Almería, asset and other people less important, although he remained faithful, then harass the Christian armies. Baza surrendered in December 1489, the Zagal sometióse to the Catholic Monarchs, news that brought dismay to Granada, which is full of fugitives and the crowd rioted, got up against Boabdil, who looked like causing the ruin of the people. Street riots in the city did not stop until they received the news that the armies of the Catholic Kings, who are supporters of the king had run to seek help, was to fell the Vega. Meanwhile, the Christian monarchs had intimidated Boabdil Fox's capital, as agreed in Loja, to change the title of Duke or Marquis de Guadix, who, however, opposed it because of strong resistance of his vassals, giving lead to renewed hostilities between the King of Granada and the Catholic Kings, who put the site to Grenada from Real de Santa Fe-where important events took place for national and universal history, which ultimately led to the conclusion of the chapter and Delivery of the city by Boabdil, which was consummated on January 2, 1492.

After the failure of Christians to the conditions specified in the Capitulaciones, Boabdil, initially continued to reside in the palaces of the Alhambra, taking away the path of the Alpujarras. Traditionally, beautiful but uncertain, that when you reach the point from which the city is still on the path of the Coast, soon after losing sight of a hill, to restrain his horse Boabdil, sighed, crying, and when his time was mother, Aixa sultana implacable, he led the famous apostrophe to say, "cries a woman does not know what to defend as a man", so now this site is known under the name Sigh of the Moor. What is really true, is that Boabdil retreated with his family to live in the town of Cobden-Laujar Andarax-place of his dominion, in the Alpujarras, until the vizier Aben Comix betrayed him allegedly selling without him I knew their heritage by 21 thousand castellanos of gold to the Catholic King, which in 1493 embarked in the town of Adra with his family-his wife, Moraima, had died and more than a thousand fans, exiles the North African city of Fez. In that city, as a prince until he lived in the jarifes and fight in defense of their relative Muley Ahmet Ibn Merini, died in the battle of the Vado Bacuna in 1527.

Miscellaneous Granada
C. Giron