Minggu, 19 Juli 2009

Yonsei University Library

Yonsei University Library (YUL) as the a agent of change
and the heart of education
By Sri Murniasih*)

Yonsei Central Library and Yonsei-Samsung Library is a library of Yonsei University Library based on high tech information technology. It is very amazing that we can visit this library. I think and I feel this library is a spectacular library and beyond library . It is not only as a education, information and research center but also as a recreation place to develop intellectual for student. It is like a museum of library because we can see the newest digital technology and we can explore information in world-class information system in many facilities. This library is a real slogan that library is a agent of change for their country and the world. And also, it is a heart of education in the environment of that university .

The Yonsei Univesity Libray has vision as a research institution of specialized services that delivers world-class academic information services, technical infrastructures, and research consultation in support of the education, learning, and research activities of the university members.

They have mission to improve the quality of academic information services with outstanding staff and enhances the research support services through the Subject Librarian Services and effective scholarly communication as a future-oriented academic information center. It also provides a pleasant research for user and study environment with the cutting-edge IT infrastructure. They strive to pursue the educational and research excellence by supporting high quality academic contents and world class information system. This library located at 262, Seodamun-Gu, Seoul 120 – 749, Korea, and we can visit YUL official homepage at http://library.yonsei.ac.kr/. The library’s area is the largest at Korea. The size of library is 570.300 ft2 (53.000 m2 ). There are seven floor and three basement.

There are three area concepts in YUL, and the all that area are very pleasant place. the first area is Ubiquitous Library, it located at first floor. this area give academic information service based on high – tech information technology. All of that facilities is very amazing. There are many facilities such as the information display system, memo board, magic mirror, MOD, Table, Global PC Island, digital newspaper and digital rare book . Information Display System in the U-Lounge. It is very interesting. It shows library promotional films, library floor guide, campus, maps, and UCC video clips.
Information Display System (doc.)

There is a wireless network installed throughout the Library that allow users to connect to the internet anywhere in the Library. In addition, the radio-frequency identification (RFID) technology is used to provide users with easy access to the Library’s information and customized services using their RFID cards.

And the second area is a complex with extensive academic contents. This area are very interesting too. There are library theatre, language / audio resources, satellite TV, gallery and etc. There are many facilities for multimedia in this place. I think, there is one of thing different with my country library. In this library is completed with studio and multimedia editing area. That studio can provide the students with a comprehensive understanding of media production and uses of media technologies. It contains advanced media facilities such as a blue screen, lighting system, HD cameras, and other equipments. This studio have technology-based services for media production of users including making, controlling, and editing of films. That is make me amazing.
And, the last area is convenient library concept. This is a convenient library with pleasant and comfortable research and study spaces. I think the users, both of them, students or researcher are very glorious happy at this spaces. There are wide laptop area, collaborative computing, and writing/editing area, digital library search area, internet PCs, and groups study room. It is great too that library has Chang Ki-Won international conference hall. And, the latest is resting spaces, it provides users with comfortable and nature-friendly resting spaces such as a roof garden and indoor gardens with natural light. It is very comfortable.

I very expect that our library have cooperate with South Korean government to make some provisions about library device in the future for our generation. Thank you so much.

* Librarian  at The National Library of Indonesia, Jakarta.